© AAM FA-UNAM/FFC-CD - Acervo de Arquitectura Mexicana, Facultad de Arquitectura- UNAM / Fondo Félix Candela- Colección Digital.
© AAM FA-UNAM/FFC-CD - Acervo de Arquitectura Mexicana, Facultad de Arquitectura- UNAM / Fondo Félix Candela- Colección Digital.

Tables rondes
Félix Candela



Pavillon Sicli

Tables rondes

Une journée de tables rondes autour de Félix Candela, avec des experts-tes internationaux-les. Trois discussions dédiées à son héritage, à son impact sur l'architecture mondiale, et aux coulisses de la création de l'exposition.

© AAM FA-UNAM/FFC-CD - Acervo de Arquitectura Mexicana, Facultad de Arquitectura- UNAM / Fondo Félix Candela- Colección Digital.
© AAM FA-UNAM/FFC-CD - Acervo de Arquitectura Mexicana, Facultad de Arquitectura- UNAM / Fondo Félix Candela- Colección Digital.

A day of roundtable discussions focused on Félix Candela, featuring international experts. Three discussions dedicated to his legacy, his impact on global architecture, and the creation of the exhibition.

Entrée libre / sans inscription
Free admission / no registration

Coordination / Coordinator: Juan Ignacio del Cueto / Faculty of Architecture, National Autonomous University of Mexico (FA-UNAM)

Programme de la journée / day's program :

L'héritage de Félix Candela / The Legacy of Félix Candela

15:30 – 16:45
Modération / Moderator: Valeria Méndez

  • Juan Ignacio del Cueto (FA-UNAM) / Félix Candela, Prodigious Shell Builder
  • Eduardo Lima (FA-UNAM) / Felix Candela and His Industrial Architecture: Living Heritage
  • Leonardo Figueroa (FA-UNAM) / Transit Under the Shells: Felix Candela and Mexico City's Metro
  • Andrés López (FA-UNAM) / Rescue Manantiales: Restoration of Candela's Masterpiece in Xochimilco

La création d'une exposition / The Production of an Exhibition

17:00 – 18:15

Modération / Moderator: Marisela Mendoza

  • Valeria Méndez (FA-UNAM) / Shaping the Memory: Media and Archives about Concrete Shells
  • Marcos Ontiveros (FA-UNAM) / The Playful Teaching of Candela's Philosophy of Structures
  • Moisés Escárcega and Daniel Romero (FA-UNAM) / Plastic Shell Structures: Making of the Hypar of Felix Candela with 3D Printing
  • Luis Borunda (Virginia Tech School of Architecture) / Shell Structure Design and Fabrication with 3D Printed Non-Uniform Lattices
  • Davide Zampini (CEMEX Innovation Holding AG) / Exposition of a Novel Fabrication Technique – Thin Shell Structures Inspired by Materiality and Digitization

Candela : Un impact international / The International Impact of Candela

18:30 – 19:45

Modération / Moderator: Juan Ignacio del Cueto

  • María González Pendás (Cornell University) / Hispanism in Concrete: Global Politics of a Shell
  • Marisela Mendoza (Nottingham Trent University) / Shells in Britain
  • Giulia Boller (ETH-Zürich) / Shells in Switzerland: Heinz Isler and the Sicli Pavilion
  • Luis Manuel Ochoa (UdeG: Universidad de Guadalajara) / Shells in Guadalajara (Mexico) and Bilbao (Spain)
  • Laura Fontaine (ENSAM: École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Marseille) / About the book : L’intelligence de la forme, writings of Félix Candela